
Showing posts from September, 2019

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln  (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th pesident of united state from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the America civil war, its bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis. He preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal goverment and modernized the US economy. Born in Kentucky, Lincoln grew up on the frontier in a poor family. Self-educated, he became a lawyer, Whig Parry. leader, Illiasion state legislator and Congressman. In 1849, he left government to resume his law practice, but angered by the success of Democrats in opening the prairie lands to slavery, reentered politics in 1854. He became a leader in the new  Republican Party  and gained national attention in 1858 for debating national Democratic leader  Stephen A. Douglas  in the  1858 Illinois Senate campaign . He then ran


Jellyfish Pacific sea nettle ( Chrysaora fuscescens ) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria Subphylum: Medusozoa Groups included Acraspeda Cubozoa —box jellyfish Scyphozoa —true jellyfish Staurozoa —stalked jellyfish some  Hydrozoa —small jellyfish Cladistically  included but traditionally excluded taxa some  Hydrozoa , such as  Hydra Jellyfish are animals that live in the sea, in their life cycle jellyfish undergo a descent rotation that is the polyp phase that settles at the bottom of the waters and the medusa phase which can swim freely. Metagenesis is the life cycle of living things to produce new offspring. Every living thing has several stages in its cycle and varies. There are egg cells meeting the spermatozoid, laying eggs, some are dividing themselves. Jellyfish have many types, many dangerous and some not. If a jellyfish is dangerous you should be careful because it can cause irritation to the skin an

Event Organizer

FOOD FESTIVAL NUSANTARA  WHAT IS FOOD FESTIVAL NUSANTARA? traditional food festival is a festival that introduces us to traditional food from how to make it and taste it, increases our love for traditional food, and learns it. We can eat delicious traditional foodlike surabi, rendang, bika ambon, otak-otak, pempek, etc. we can watch traditional dance, and can hear live music. WHAT IS THE PERPOSE? the purpose is to introducing and studying regional food to us, increase love of traditional food, to increase information. We can eat delicious traditional food, we can know so many traditional food. FOR WHOM THIS EVENT? For everyone, espectialy for student, child, and tourist. This event can be for kid, teenage, adult.  Title : Food Festival Nusantara Venue : Pool I-Club Jiero Jl. Bali 17 Madiun Due : Sabtu 26 September 2019 , 15.00 - 22.00 WIB Special guess : Isyana Sarasvati For info plz call : 081223256812 For ticket ; 150k IG : @renggajk              Li