
Pacific sea nettle ("Chrysaora fuscescens")
Pacific sea nettle (Chrysaora fuscescens)
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Jellyfish are animals that live in the sea, in their life cycle jellyfish undergo a descent rotation that is the polyp phase that settles at the bottom of the waters and the medusa phase which can swim freely.

Metagenesis is the life cycle of living things to produce new offspring. Every living thing has several stages in its cycle and varies. There are egg cells meeting the spermatozoid, laying eggs, some are dividing themselves.

Jellyfish have many types, many dangerous and some not. If a jellyfish is dangerous you should be careful because it can cause irritation to the skin and even death will sting.

In their activities there are jellyfish which are active at night but some are active during the day. The size of a jellyfish is also very diverse ranging from small to large depending on the type. Jellyfish in water are transparent and invisible because they are white.

Jellyfish Metagenesis

that jellyfish unite the egg and sperm to later become zygotes. The zygote will develop and become a kumoulan blastula from the zygote. After that it will form a planula and grow small feathers around it. After growing small feathers will turn into polyps (see in the picture) then form a medusa that continues to grow adding the head of a jellyfish. The last cycle is the adult medusa which later produces eggs and sperm. The life cycle of a jellyfish will continue to rotate as shown above.



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